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Background: pulmonary hypertension not only aggravates the course of myocardial infarction, but also significantly worsens the prognosis, increasing disability and mortality due to the steadily progressing course. The need to predict the development of pulmonary hypertension in patients with myocardial infarction is not in doubt, since a clear clinical picture manifests itself only in the late stages of the disease, when the effectiveness of the treatment reduces and its cost increases.

Aim: was to define most significant factors, influencing the development of pulmonary hypertension in the subacute period of myocardial infarction to elaborate a model for predicting this pathological condition.

Material and methods: study included 451 men aged 18-60 y.o. with a verified diagnosis of myocardial infarction. All patients underwent a standard diagnostic algorithm, including a comprehensive echocardiographic examination - in first 48 hours and at the end of the third week of the disease. The study group included 84 patients with pulmonary hypertension, which had occurred at the end of the third week of the disease at an initially normal level of mean pressure in the pulmonary artery. Control group consisted of 367 patients with a normal level of mean pulmonary artery pressure in both phases of the study or normalization of this indicator at the end of the subacute period of the disease. Using multivariate analysis of variance from the analytical base, we selected parameters associated with levels of mean pulmonary artery pressure, the proportion of patients with first­time pulmonary hypertension at the end of the subacute Ml. Then, with step-by-step and binary logistic regressions, most sensitive of them were selected for the prognostic model.

Results: study established a number of significant for the development of pulmonary hypertension in the subacute period of myocardial infarction clinical and anamnestic (heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, the presence of pulmonary edema and chronic lung diseases), laboratory (concentrations of the sodium, potassium, chloride; glucose, some parameters of lipid concentration in the blood plasma) and instrumental (the value of left atrium, end-diastolic size of the right ventricle, values of indices of end-systolic and end-diastolic left ventricular volumes, cardiac index, total pulmonary resistance, the presence of regurgitation at the aortic valve) parameters. Final prognostic model included mean pulmonary artery pressure, heart rate and the presence of aortic valve regurgitation of the second degree and higher in first 48 hours of myocardial infarction. Characteristics of the resulting model allow us to recommend it for practical use.

Conclusions: using a combination of these predictors, as well as prognostic modeling, makes it possible to distinguish among men under 60 years, a high-risk group for the development of pulmonary hypertension in the subacute period of the disease in order to conduct timely additional diagnostic and therapeutic measures.



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2.     Haeck ML, Hoogslag GE, Boden H, et al. Prognostic Implications of Elevated Pulmonary Artery Pressure After ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Am J Cardiol. 2016; 118(3): 326-31. PMID: 27265675.


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The authors report 44 successful implantations of original retrieval Nitinol stent-filters, unique "closed" design of which comprehensively described in the article. All the devices placed for pulmonary embolism (PE) management in patients with lower extremity and pelvic deep vein (DV) thrombosis. Authors announce absolute efficiency of their stent-filters for PE prophylaxis, and the procedure itself declared to be safe and minimally invasive.

Stent-filter implantation into iliac veins compared to standard filter placement in inferior vena cava (IVC) excludes risks of total infrarenal IVC thrombosis - the major complication of such procedures. It is also associated with early DV recanalization, that in sum radically reduces disability rate. Moreover, in case of IVC abnormalities, kinking or external compression stent-filter into iliac position remains the only option for endovascular PE management. All the above can be mentioned as advantages of using stent-filters.

At the same time authors observe that stent-filters quick incorporation into vessel wall prevented endovascular retrieval of the device in quite a number of cases. Persistent PE threat, requiring prolonged antithrombotic therapy under endovascular protection, might also contribute for low retrievability of the device. 





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By authors it is resulted results of application of system for Angojet rheolytic trombectomy in treatment of acute thromboses of the main veins and pulmonary embolism. On the basis of the data received with use rheolytic trombectomy in system vena cava superior and vena cava inferior and pulmonaty artery thrombosis? Authors conclude, that system Jet-9000 is a modern and highly effective method of treatment of venous tromboses of varios localisation and their complications. Authors specify? That tactic of the use of this method can provide as its isolated, and conjaction application with trombolytic therapy, ballon angyoplasty, stenting and others endovascular techniques. Besides rheolytic trombectomy is an alternative at existence contraindications for standard methods of treatment acute venouse thromboses. At the same time, authors emphasize, that in some cases rheolytic thrombectomy can be main method of treatment of patients with venous patology, before considered incurable (a thrombosis vena cava inferior after cavafilter-implantation, massive pulmonary artery thrombosis).









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A case report of right ventricular outlet (RVO) stenting as palliative treatment of pulmonary artery atresia (PAA) in combination with interventricular septum defect (ISD), in situation when radical surgical intervention has high operative risk due to condition severity and low weight RVO stenting in newborn and children with low weight is made seldom and noted as a case reports. Peculiarity of this case is that intervention was made in patient with extremely low weight and age (age - 6 month, weight - 3 kg) after performed early central aorto-venous bypass and further palliative reconstruction of right ventricular outflow.



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Aim: was to show capabilities of MDCT-angiography of coronary arteries in the detection and characterization of rare forms of anomalous coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery in adult patients

Materials and methods: we made retrospective study of anomalous coronary arteries from pulmonary arteries in patients who have been examined and operated in our Center for the period of 2008-2013. All patients on admission underwent: echocardiography, selective coronary angiography and MDCT coronarography Postoperatively - echocardiography and MDCT coronarography.

Results: for the period of 5 years about 30,000 patients underwent examination in our center, and congenital anomalous coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery was identified only in 6(0,02 %) cases. 4( 0,013%) of them had «infantile» type - ALCAPA. In adults, anomalous coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery revealed in 2 cases: a 31 year woman had «adult» type ALCAPA (0,003%) and 17-year boy - isolated form ARCAPA (0,003%). Preoperative MDCT provided direct visualization of anomalous coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery, displayed the spatial relationship of coronary vessels in the three-dimensional image that helped to clarify and demonstrate for cardiac surgeons individual characteristics of congenital disorder. Marked dilatation and tortuous course of trunks and branches of coronary arteries, the severity of which declined after surgical correction. Adult patients successfully underwent surgical correction: reimplantation of anomalous coronary arteries in orthotopic position in cardiopulmonary bypass with the creation of two-coronary blood supply of the heart

Conclusions: Even in cases where a definitive diagnosis of anomalous coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery can be diagnosed by echocardiography and coronary angiography, before surgery is recommended to perform MDCT angiography to clarify the anatomy and more specific spatial representation of the topography of the anomalous vessel. In the late postoperative period this method allows to assess in details the condition of coronary flow and effectiveness of coronary intervention. 



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